Take a Step—December 2024
Joshua stood gazing at the flowing water of the Jordan. A gentle breeze blew the hair across his furrowed brow. Standing on the banks of the Jordan River, he knew what had to happen. On the other side was a land flowing with milk and honey. Moses had died, and God had told Joshua, the priests, and all the descendants of Abraham they had to cross this river to enter this land that God had promised. The challenge ahead was going to be hard enough, but even the first step would require faith. God said when you step into the river, the waters will dry up, and you will all walk across the dry ground of the riverbed.
Joshua had seen the Red Sea parted years ago, but he had also seen the people cower when he and Caleb returned their report when they scouted the land (Numbers 13-14). What would the people do? Would they take a step of faith or stay where they were?
“And as soon as those bearing the ark had come as far as the Jordan and the feet of the priests bearing the ark were dipped in the brink of the water…the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away… And the people passed over opposite Jericho (Joshua 3:15a, 16a, 17b).” The people crossed the mighty Jordan River. It all began with a step.
Beginning on December 1st, 2024 we will add an element to the end of our worship service called "The Step." This is a time for the congregation to respond by coming forward for prayer or commitment. It is commonly called an Altar Call or a Time of Decision, but we intentionally want to name this something unique for churchgoers and visitors.
During the final song after the message, if you want to respond, ask for prayer, join the church, or pray alone on the stage, you will be invited to “take a step.” It might be your first, next, or long overdue step. But it will be your “step.” The prayer team members will be available to receive people as they may come forward to pray. From what I understand, the church has done this before, but it has been several years, and it is time to bring back this growth opportunity for our congregation.
I am already looking forward to it.
Pastor David