Our Staff

Dr. David Anderson

Dr. David Anderson

Lead Pastor

The key words to Christianity are New and Relationship. Not Old and Religion. I love to see life change: to actually see fully devoted followers of Christ. I love Weddings, Baptisms, and as weird as it may sound, I really enjoy funerals. Seeing people home is a wonderful priviledge. Proverbs 4:23, has been a clarifying verse for me in life and ministry: "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." God is after our hearts. Jesus wants us to follow Him, become his disciples in a new way of life.

Dr. David Anderson

Lead Pastor
Loreen Smith

Loreen Smith

Director of Planting Seeds Of Hope Children’s Center

Getting to share the love of God with our children and staff has been the biggest blessing of our daycare ministry since 2003. Jeremiah 29:11 is proof that Jesus is with you always highs and lows and loves you through your worst and best!

Loreen Smith

Director of Planting Seeds Of Hope Children’s Center
Sarah Long

Sarah Long

Director of Discipleship

My favorite bible verse is Psalm 37:4, its a reminder that if I'm delighting myself in the Lord first then the rest will follow along. I love when people truly understand that their identity is found in Jesus and the freedom that they find in that. If you are new to faith I want you to know that God made you to be you and nobody else but you, and Jesus wants to have an ongoing relationship with you!

Sarah Long

Director of Discipleship
Eric Stucki

Eric Stucki

Director of Communication

I love those moments in worship where the collective of voices melt together in unison reminding me that the sacred community is bigger than our wildest imagination. If you are new to faith I want you to know that there is room at the table for you. More than that we need you. Romans 12:9 says "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." The dichotomy between how strongly we are to love good and turn from evil is a brilliant example of the complexity of God.

Eric Stucki

Director of Communication
Bob Wykoff

Bob Wykoff

Director of Congregational Care

Bob has a Master Degree from Ashland Theological Seminary and has recently retired from a career in counseling. He is also in charge of our Stephen Ministry program and GriefShare. We are grateful to have Bob’s expertise and passion for care.

Bob Wykoff

Director of Congregational Care
Tim and Stacy Reese

Tim and Stacy Reese

Missionaries in Residence

We're the Reese family - IM Global Servants in the Dominican Republic - serving Haitians and the sugarcane Bateye communities through economic development, community development, & discipleship.

Tim and Stacy Reese

Missionaries in Residence
Sharon Southall

Sharon Southall


As custodian I am able to be at the church to help and connect with others throughout the week. Getting to share the feeling of being welcomed and loved is my favorite part of the church.

Sharon Southall
